netscaler.adc.appfwsettings module – Configuration for AS settings resource.
This module is part of the netscaler.adc collection (version 2.6.2).
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install netscaler.adc
To use it in a playbook, specify: netscaler.adc.appfwsettings
New in netscaler.adc 2.0.0
Configuration for AS settings resource.
Parameter |
Comments |
Base NITRO API path. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call Default: |
Enable CEF format logs. Choices:
Flag used to enable/disable ADM centralized learning Choices:
Name of an HTTP header that contains the IP address that the client used to connect to the protected web site or service. |
Add the specified flags to AppFW cookies. Available setttings function as follows: * None - Do not add flags to AppFW cookies. * HTTP Only - Add the HTTP Only flag to AppFW cookies, which prevent scripts from accessing them. * Secure - Add Secure flag to AppFW cookies. * All - Add both HTTPOnly and Secure flag to AppFW cookies. Choices:
String that is prepended to all encrypted cookie values. |
Profile to use when a connection does not match any policy. Default setting is APPFW_BYPASS, which sends unmatched connections back to the Citrix ADC without attempting to filter them further. |
Transform multibyte (double- or half-width) characters to single width characters. Choices:
Enable Geo-Location Logging in CEF format logs. Choices:
Maximum cumulative size in bytes of all objects imported to Netscaler. The user is not allowed to import an object if the operation exceeds the currently configured limit. |
Maximum number of connections per second that the application firewall learning engine examines to generate new relaxations for learning-enabled security checks. The application firewall drops any connections above this limit from the list of connections used by the learning engine. |
Log requests that are so malformed that application firewall parsing doesn’t occur. Choices:
flag to define action on malformed requests that application firewall cannot parse Choices:
The ID of the managed NetScaler instance to which NetScaler Console has to configure as a proxy server. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call |
The IP of the managed NetScaler instance to which NetScaler Console has to configure as a proxy server. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call |
The name of the managed NetScaler instance to which NetScaler Console has to configure as a proxy server. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call |
The password of the managed NetScaler instance. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call In Settings > Administration > System Configurations > Basic Settings, if you select Prompt Credentials for Instance Login, ensure to configure username and password of a managed instance. |
The username of the managed NetScaler instance. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call In Settings > Administration > System Configurations > Basic Settings, if you select Prompt Credentials for Instance Login, ensure to configure username and password of a managed instance. |
The IP address of the NetScaler ADC appliance acting as a proxy server. Define only in case of an ADM service proxy call Choices:
The authentication token provided by a login operation. |
The password with which to authenticate to the NetScaler ADC node. |
Which protocol to use when accessing the nitro API objects. Choices:
The username with which to authenticate to the NetScaler ADC node. |
The ip address of the NetScaler ADC appliance where the nitro API calls will be made. The port can be specified with the colon (:). E.g. |
Password with which proxy user logs on. |
Proxy Server Port to get updated signatures from AWS. |
Proxy Server IP to get updated signatures from AWS. |
Proxy Username |
If The module will not save the configuration on the NetScaler ADC node if it made no changes. Choices:
Name of the session cookie that the application firewall uses to track user sessions. Must begin with a letter or number, and can consist of from 1 to 31 letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-) and underscore (_) symbols. The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my cookie name” or ‘my cookie name’). |
Maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the application firewall allows a user session to remain active, regardless of user activity. After this time, the user session is terminated. Before continuing to use the protected web site, the user must establish a new session by opening a designated start URL. A value of 0 represents infinite time. |
Maximum number of sessions that the application firewall allows to be active, regardless of user activity. After the max_limit reaches, No more user session will be created . |
Timeout, in seconds, after which a user session is terminated. Before continuing to use the protected web site, the user must establish a new session by opening a designated start URL. |
Flag used to enable/disable auto update signatures Choices:
URL to download the mapping file from server |
The state of the resource being configured by the module on the NetScaler ADC node. When When Choices:
Profile to use when an application firewall policy evaluates to undefined (UNDEF). An UNDEF event indicates an internal error condition. The APPFW_BLOCK built-in profile is the default setting. You can specify a different built-in or user-created profile as the UNDEF profile. |
Use configurable secret key in AppFw operations Choices:
If Choices:
For more information on using Ansible to manage NetScaler ADC Network devices see
- name: Sample appfwsettings playbook
hosts: demo_netscalers
gather_facts: false
- name: Configure appfwsettings
delegate_to: localhost
state: present
sessiontimeout: '180'
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
Indicates if any change is made by the module Returned: always Sample: |
Dictionary of before and after changes Returned: always Sample: |
List of differences between the actual configured object and the configuration specified in the module Returned: when changed Sample: |
Indicates if the module failed or not Returned: always Sample: |
list of logged messages by the module Returned: always Sample: |